So I was in my home and my parents and brother were not there they went out for a day or two. Then I slept in my dream woke up and saw people getting in the house through my window there we 5 or so 2 girls and 4 guys approx my age or older. I asked them to leave and had my phone to take pictures of them to send my family but every time I took i don't get it right. They were going through room s and I constantly asked them to leave. Then the two girls went back through the window and as I looked it was a hospital room with a doctor. I told her that this two first are barging to my house house along with a few more people ( I don't remember our conversation, but when I heard things not true I told them I'm a med student and I know it's not true)Then They still came in I want to send message but they took the phone from me and go throught my stuff.they said I was a little girl because my books were 10 stand books and I told them I was 19 and a. First year med student.then for some reason I felt sleepy and slept when they were present not deep sleep so I can hear them. Some guy started tickling my feet soles and the other guy said sto . I woke up and they looked at me all left except the guy who said stop and looked at me he was very close and people would assume we're close if they look from far then the two girls said that I am really pretty if not for my weight.i then he asked if I could sing I said I could very well but I have a sore throat.we started walking to another room but i thought this was my opportunity to run so i did but they caught on.this happen a few times. I also felt like that one guy has feeling for me because of the way he looked talked and very the end I got short in the throat with the same guy he was crying and left in the car. I. Believe that it was so I don't get involved in his situation, I survived. Again Im back in the house and they still keep coming this time they have keys to every door and I don't and it seem I woke up in a safe room but this time someone I know is also in here with me . He went to check the situation and told me to stay here. I did but later a girl came in with a guy, she had keys I sneaked without them knowing.tjen I met a handsome guy with black hair slightly flirting touchy I started running he caught up to me.(I don't remember what happened in between) but then few of them gathered and asked me to drink/ eat something with that handome guy for some ritual or something and then suddenly my hair started Turing rainbow colored indicating I am the one , I panicked even shed a tear or two and someone I knew was consoling me and the handsome guy was looking at me with love and smile then I woke up
This dream appears to be a reflection of your fear of invasion of personal space and loss of control. The absence of your parents and brother at the beginning of the dream could represent a feeling of vulnerability and a sense of being left alone to deal with challenging situations. The people entering your house through the window may symbolize intrusions or disturbances in your life that you are trying to prevent or protect yourself from.
The difficulty in taking pictures correctly could suggest a struggle to communicate or express yourself effectively in real life. It may also represent a feeling of being unable to gather evidence or support from others to deal with the situation.
The revelation that the window leads to a hospital room with a doctor could signify a need for healing and the desire for someone in authority to address your concerns. However, the fact that the intruders still enter despite your protests could suggest that your boundaries are being disregarded or that you feel unable to enforce them effectively.
The interactions with the guy who tickles your feet may symbolize feelings of vulnerability and powerlessness. His actions could represent someone or something that is making you uncomfortable and invading your personal space.
The comments about your appearance and weight may indicate insecurities or self-doubt. The fact that you try to assert your age and educational achievements could suggest a desire to be taken seriously and respected.
The recurring theme of running away and being caught could reflect your feeling of being trapped or unable to escape from the difficult situation. It may also suggest a need to confront and address these challenges rather than trying to avoid or run away from them.
The encounter with the handsome guy who flirts with you could represent a desire for love and attention. However, your panic and the changing color of your hair may indicate fear or discomfort with the attention and the potential loss of control.
Overall, this dream appears to reveal your fear of intrusion, loss of control, and the need to assert yourself and establish boundaries in your waking life. It may also reflect a desire for love and validation while navigating challenging situations.